Dad loved to play dominoes. Mom played with him every afternoon until she died. I wasn't an avid domino player but I knew he loved playing. That's why I promised to play dominoes with him each day. He looked forward to it with great relish. I often served him a snack at the same time.
He wasn't much of a TV watcher. But he liked to watch CNN Headline News once or twice a day. Mom loved movies. She would wait until Dad fell asleep and then watch her movie. Sometimes, all four of us would climb in their two electric beds in the upright position to watch a movie together. Dad would tolerate it because we served dessert.
They both enjoyed Wheel of Fortune. Dad tried to play along but wasn't very good at it. He told me it helped keep his mind sharp. "Go for it, Dad." Sometimes, when I saw an interesting documentary scheduled, I would sit with him and watch it. He especially enjoyed World War II true stories. MORE>