AFTER DEATH... Funeral Arrangements
Favorite Flowers
The mortuary recommended some flower shops. They actually had binders with flower arrangements that the mortuary would order for us and put it on the bill. We elected to go to the flower shops in person to see what flowers were available and pay the florist direct. We ordered a spray "from Dad" for the casket, a wreath "from the children," and a wreath "from the grandchildren and great grandchildren." We chose Mom’s favorite tropical flowers in colors she loved best. We told my brother and sister of our choices in case they wanted to give some input or share the cost.

Good Eats
Since it's a Hawaii tradition to serve food to guests at the memorial service, we ordered some of Mom's favorite foods to be served including fresh Portuguese malassadas from Agnes Portuguese Bakery and Japanese sushi platters from Fukuya's Catering.