
Welcome to LoveYourParentsToDeath.com
During the last year, both of my parents died. It was not as sad for me as it could have been because my wife and I spent the last three and one-half years providing assisted living for them. Losing them could have been one of the most stressful experiences of our lives but instead it was a time of much thanksgiving.
When friends heard what we were doing for my parents, they were very curious. As we shared our experiences, we realized there are many others like us who want to provide care for one or more parents but shudder at the thought. There is a hunger to know what it's like and how it works.

For us, it was a calling we freely chose. For some, it is a necessity and obligation that they reluctantly accept. In either case, we have come to see that elder care requires finesse and facts.
We decided to create this website so we can pass on the lessons learned and insights gained. We loved my parents right up until their death. And caring for them right up to the end was the most loving thing we could do for them. So, hence, our domain name: LoveYourParentsToDeath.com.
Experience Marked with Challenges and Rewards
Next to raising our own children, it was the most challenging and rewarding project we have ever undertaken. We will never forget the experience. And, given the opportunity, we would gladly do it again.
We will be posting pages of information that we hope you will find helpful as you contemplate the possibility or struggle with the reality of caring for your parents or some other elderly adult. We will compile not only our own experiences, but as we receive input, we will share the experiences of our friends who are doing or who have done the same thing as us. There is no need for you to reinvent the art of assisted living. There are many wonderful ideas and resources you should have at your fingertips. Our goal is to provide you with those resources, ideas and links to other web sites that will provide the foundation for your decision in caring for your parents. MORE>