We basically split expenses with them.
Dad received a monthly check from the VA and social security. Mom received a small social security check. They wanted to pay for half of the housing and food expense. When we ran the numbers, it was well within their budget. So that's what we did.
They also paid for the car expense (gas, repairs, insurance, etc.) for their car (even though it was in my name). And we paid for the expenses on our two cars. Eventually, we sold both of our cars as a cost cutting measure. We used the money to cover some business losses.

Most of our income came from my computer web site's advertising and Betty's salary as an executive assistant at the YMCA of Honolulu. I was glad it worked out for me to be at home. Not knowing how long my parents would survive; I wanted to spend as much time as possible with them.
A year after my parents came to live with us; Betty started a home business as a graphic artist (with the nine branches of the YMCA as her chief client). That enabled both of us to be home with my parents and thereby share the load of care.
Sometimes it was hard to concentrate on running a business and caring for my folks. Thankfully, my web site didn't require daily updates and the nature of "the beast" allowed me to drop what I was doing at any moment to care for their needs. And if we needed to spend a whole day at the doctor, that didn't impact my business.
One big advantage we enjoyed was being debt free. A large debt load would have made things a lot harder. MORE>