AFTER DEATH... Funeral Arrangements
The Last Goodbye
Monday started off solemn as we drove together over the mountains to the cemetery. The ceremony was short and sweet. I read a poem about how when Mom got to heaven, everyone wanted to show her the streets of gold and gates of pearl and saints from Bible stories. She wanted only one thing: to see Jesus, the One who died for her.
No Need To Linger
We shook off the sadness with a buffet lunch at the Tree Top Restaurant in Manoa Valley (one of Mom's favorites). Then the women all returned to our apartment to chat while all the men played nine holes of golf at a par three course in Hawaii Kai. Dad was too weak to play but rode in the golf cart to cheer us on. I didn't have golf bags for everyone so I told each player to pick three clubs. It was a riot.
Since Dad had dementia (and therefore no concern for the belongings we stored away), before my brother and sister left town, I asked them to look through the things I had in a commercial storage locker. I know they weren't in the mood but when I told them I was paying $100 each month to store these items, they agreed to help me deal with it. They took with them the things they wanted and I got their okay to give the rest to the Salvation Army." I was most concerned with my parent’s photos and files, which I kept at my home. With their help, I was able to reduce the items in storage to the point that we no longer needed to rent a storage locker.
