AFTER DEATH... Memories of Joe and Blanche Morgan
Hard To Believe They Are GONE!
It's hard to conceive that my parents are really gone. I'm seeing myself drawing much closer to my brother and sister now. I call them and see them more often than ever before. It's just "us guys" now. So we're trying to direct all the love and attention to each other that was once reserved for my parents. I think it's affected our children, too. They know we're the next generation to "leave this mortal coil" so I feel them drawing closer as well.

I'm so glad we conducted a video interview with my parents. Their personal account of the events that shaped their lives will be cherished and enjoyed on VHS and DVD by all of their descendants for years to come. I encourage you to do the same for your parents and grandparents.

We'll add more memories, tips, and resource links to this website as time goes by. As I indicated earlier, we want to share the stories of others, too. If you have a great "care giver" story to tell, feel free to send it to us and we might include it on this website. Thanks for visiting this site and letting us tell you about two wonderful souls that happened to be our parents, Joe and Blanche.
With loving memories, Rob-ART and Bet-TAY Morgan